Receiving Guidance from God

Receiving Guidance from God

Perry Duggar |

Receiving guidance from God.

Receiving Guidance from God
Hearing God – Part 5
Perry Duggar
July 9, 2023

I. Introduction: Today, we will conclude our series, Hearing God.

A. Today’s message is entitled, Receiving Guidance from God.

  1. Theme verse: Psalm 5:3 (NLT)—…Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.
  2. Let’s remember, our ultimate goal in approaching God is not receiving instruction or even obtaining a solution to a problem; it is cultivating an intimate relationship with Him
  3. When He speaks, He doesn’t just provide information or direction, He changes our lives!
  4. My hope is that through this series of messages we have learned to listen more closely and become better able to discern God’s personal communication to us.
  5. Today, we will reflect on how to hear what God is saying to you.


A. How to request guidance from God: (Luke 11:9-13; James 1:5-8)

1. Ask specific questions. (James 1:5a. C/R: John 14:13-14; 16:23-24; James 4:3)

  1. James 1:5a (NLT)—If you need wisdom, ask our generous God,… [TLB: If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask Him…]
  2. This verse doesn’t refer to wisdom in general, the context (vv.2-4) is facing trials and troubles, so the wisdom requested is how to navigate through particular problems.
  3. Many of us don’t think God speaks, because we can’t identify times that He has.
  4. A lack of confidence that God responds personally, may cause our prayers to consist of vague wishes instead of definite requests, so we don’t recognize when He replies.
  5. Some of what we call prayers are more like spiritual complaining than asking specifically, directly, for assistance.
  6. We say, “I wish you’d do something about this problem,” but fail to discuss the details of the matter with God, so we miss His precise replies.
  7. When you ask God questions, remember who He is and what motivates Him.
  8. Ask questions you know He wants to answer—questions that deepen your relationship with Him, that enable you to know Him better—not just requests to solve your problems.
  9. Ask how He sees you, how He sees others (perhaps others you can’t get along with), what His desires are, how He feels about certain situations or problems, how He wants your relationship with Him to develop, what He wants you to see differently, and what He wants to teach you. (Questions that allow Him to share Himself with you.)
  10. I believe God will speak, especially to people who want to know Him.
  11. In knowing Him more fully, we hear Him more clearly; we’ll recognize His responses.
  12. ILL.: [C. did:] I'm a believer. I'm a wife, daughter, and mother. I'm a pharmacist. I'm the last person anyone would identify as an addict. I suffered for seven years with grand-mal seizures, depression, insomnia and addiction.  After praying for the rapture, praying for God to take me in my sleep, and trying everything I knew to fix myself, I was done. I didn't care if He healed me or not. I just wanted to know why. I was lying in the ambulance after another seizure on August 4, 2010. I prayed Jeremiah 29:11. "God, I can't live like this anymore. I know You have a plan and a purpose for my life. I don't believe it's Your desire for me to live another thirty years like this. Please show me what Your purpose is for me. How is this suffering going to further Your kingdom?" After seven years, I got to the end of myself, and my heart changed. I actually wanted to know WHY He allowed me to go through this and what His PURPOSE was for me more than I wanted Him to heal me. Seven weeks later, on September 25, 2010, I woke up completely healed of everything. I felt joy for the first time in seven years. It took me a few minutes to recognize it. God had truly given me a miracle.   Once I was healed, I began to realize all that He'd taught me during those seven years, and I knew He gave me this story to share. What I didn't want to share was the addiction. I was so ashamed, and as a pharmacist, I knew I'd probably never work again. I began hearing what I can best describe as a nudge or a whisper...or combination of both. God kept telling me I must be transparent. Transparent. Transparent. Transparent. For 6 months, that's all that I heard. When I finally decided to obey …, I published a blog post with that part of my story and shared it with others. I felt like 1,000 lbs. had been lifted. People began to open up to me and share their stories and allowed me to help them. I'm writing a book now [and I've been able to be very open and raw], in hopes that my story will help others. Also, I did not need confirmation from God that He had given me a miracle. I knew exactly what happened. Others were skeptical. I didn't put out a fleece for God, but He told me we would have a white Christmas that year (2010). I knew we would have a white Christmas. There was no doubt in my mind. I was born in 1969 and had never seen a white Christmas. I told my husband about what God told me and didn't really think about it again. But guess what? I saw my first white Christmas in Simpsonville, South Carolina, that year in 2010. God confirmed my miracle without me even asking. He knew I believed, but I think He wanted to use this as a confirmation for others to believe. Obviously, this whole experience has changed my life. And if I hadn't been obedient to Him and been transparent, I would still be carrying that weight of shame, and I don't believe the story He gave me would be used for His glory. [Celeste]      

When requesting guidance from God…

2. Believe God will answer. (James 1:5b-6. C/R: Mark11:24; Hebrews11:6; 1 John 5:14-15)

  1. James 1:5b-6 (NLT)—…and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.But when you ask Him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver [NIV: believe and not doubt; TLB: be sure that you really expect him to tell you], for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind.
  2. God responds to prayers asked with faith and expectation; we must believe and not doubt!
  3. Perhaps we do not hear God’s voice because we do not expect to hear Him speak.
  4. Expecting God’s response to our prayers is an act of faith.
  5. Hebrews 11:6 (NLT)—And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that God exists and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him. [Including those who seek Him through prayer requests.]
  6. Because our relationship with God is by faith and His motivation is to strengthen our faith, we need to understand that He will not often speak so definitely that no faith is required.
  7. Praying with faith doesn’t mean, if we believe, God will do whatever we want Him to do.
  8. We believe God will definitely answer based on His relationship with us, but that doesn’t mean He will always answer, “yes;” He may answer, “no” or “wait.”
  9. 1 John 5:14–15 (NLT)—14 And we are confident that He hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases Him. 15 And since we know He hears us when we make our requests, we also know that He will give us what we ask for. [that pleases Him] [also, Psalm 37:4]
  10. God fulfills His will and purpose—not ours, but He conforms our thinking to His (transforms us; Romans 12:2)—then our prayers are consistent with His will and purpose!
  11. God invites us to ask what His will is, then, when we've heard, to pray that His will be done; we can pray this confidently, knowing it will be done.
  12. When God gives us His plan for our lives, it is rarely comprehensive; it provides only partial glimpses, enough information to take the next step, to keep us connected to Him.
  13. ILL.: [Another response:] Several years ago, I experienced a mental breakdown due to anxiety, OCD and stress. I went through a period of weeks without being able to sleep for sometimes 3-4 days at a time. I heard God say He would "sustain me" during this trial. I cried out to God asking why He was allowing this. He answered clear as day that He wanted me to be strong. He was preparing me. I began running to alleviate and help with my anxiety and OCD. Over the past two years, He has given me several phrases. " I want you to be strong. I want you to be righteous. I want you to trust Me. I want you to listen." God has used pain and suffering in my life to get my attention and be directional changes to my life. I am growing humbly in my walk and have become a much stronger person, learning slowly how to trust Him. 
  14. Sometimes God is silent, slow to respond, but delay isn’t rejection; it’s an invitation to come closer, to listen longer, to learn Him better, to continue pressing forward, searching for Him, ignoring distractions and discouragement, as our ability to trust Him grows!
  15. His purpose is that we grow to desire Him more than His answers; then He provides both!

When requesting guidance from God…

3. Determine to obey. (James 1:7-8. C/R: Psalm 37:4; John 14:23; 1 John 3:21-22)

  1. James 1:7–8 (NLT)—Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do. [The emphasis of these verses is on discovering God’s direction, so we can obey.]
  2. If we ask for God’s guidance, but intend to make up our own minds, or do what other people do, we will always be indecisive and unsettled, so don’t expect Him to answer.
  3. If we intend to view God’s response to our prayer as an opinion to consider, we should not expect a response; God makes assignments, He doesn’t offer suggestions, He speaks truth.
  4. God is looking not simply for someone willing to listen; He wants a believing response.
  5. 1 John 3:21–22 (NLT)—21 Dear friends, if we don’t feel guilty, we can come to God with bold confidence. 22 And we will receive from Him whatever we ask because we obey Him and do the things that please Him.
  6. Hearing God always requires faith to do what we hear.
  7. If in doubt about what you hear, ask God to clarify whether your impression is true.
  8. He will, in one of the ways He speaks: the Spirit, the Bible, people, signs, circumstances.
  9. He doesn’t mind being asked to confirm what you heard because those are steps toward Him to gain understanding, not steps away to seek other sources for direction.
  10. When God speaks emphatically and unmistakably, it’s usually because He is putting us in a situation in which the temptation to resist, to refuse or even to flee will be great.
  11. Remember, our relationship with Him, not merely our obedient behavior, is His priority.
  12. All of God's instructions are relational; they’re related to something He is working in me.
  13. Our willingness to obey what we hear is an expression of our love relationship with God.
  14. We obey God out of love, not obligation; we don't just follow His words, we follow Him.
  15. It's possible to do what God says without loving Him, but it isn't possible to love Him without doing what He says.
  16. ILL. [Kyle responded:] Have you heard from God? Yes, on Tuesday, January 31, 2023.  Many years ago, 20 or so, I played guitar and sang in a rock band. I decided to quit playing and walk away from that life. And back in July of 2019, Jesus wrapped His arms around me big time and my one-on-one relationship with Him began. Not long after that I promised God if He would put it on my heart to play again, I would sing and play for Him. Serve Him for His glory. I picked the guitar back up and began to learn to play and sing again. Fast Forward 3 ½ years to Tuesday, January 31. I was going to be playing an open mic night at a bar that night for the first time since I started playing again. On the way home from work (I had been in Greenwood that day), I was driving home on Highway 25. That was when GOD spoke. He said, “What Are You Doing? You said if I put it on your heart to play, you would play for Me.” I responded, “I can’t, I am scared, and I am not good enough to play with the talented musicians at church.”  GOD said “Yes, you are, and you have nothing to worry about. I love to hear you play and I’ve got you, don’t worry.” Just so happened, right after that I turned on Pandora and haven’t listened to Christian radio in a while but today was different. What song was playing? Zach Williams’ “I’ve Got You,” off his new album.  I came home, made some videos of me playing and singing, said a prayer and sent them to Brookwood Worship on February 6. I met with them on February 8. Since then, I’ve been playing and serving at Celebrate Recovery and Mainstage. I still have the fears sometimes, but I remind myself I am playing for and serving Jesus. And if I recall all this was around the time, we were doing the Joshua series. Stepping on that stage was my Jordan River. And so glad I did! Taking that step of faith and fully trusting in Him! 
  17. APP.: Will you decide to always obey as soon as you hear?


B. How to receive guidance from God: (Habakkuk 2:1-2; 3:2)

A. This is a plan or pattern for hearing from God from Habakkuk, the prophet of Judah.

  1. This book is unique among because it is a dialogue between the prophet and God.
  2. Habakkuk was upset about the situation in the land—destruction, violence, injustice, oppression, conflict, and mistreatment of the righteous by the wicked.
  3. He wanted God to intervene; he voiced His complaints and went to hear God’s response.

1. Withdraw. (Habakkuk 2:1a. C/R: Psalm 5:3)

  1. Get alone in a quiet place free of distractions.
  2. Habakkuk 2:1 (NLT)—I will climb up to my watchtower and stand at my guardpost. …
  3. We don’t know whether Habakkuk was truly a watchman or whether he considered himself a spiritual watchman over the city going to his usual place to meet God.
  4. We, too, need a place and a time to be with God, away from distractions and diversions.
  5. EX.: If you have a job, you will either have to get up earlier, stay up later, use your driving time or lunchtime. Mothers with small children may have to use when they are asleep.
  6. Turn off the TV and radio, mobile phone, the internet, social media and news sources.

2. Wait. (Habakkuk 2:1b. C/R: Psalm 46:10)

  1. Calm your thoughts and listen closely. Pray, but mostly listen in silence.
  2. Habakkuk 2:1 (NLT)—…There I will wait to see what the Lord says and how He will answer my complaint.
  3. After he voiced his complaints and asking God to intervene, he waited for God to respond.
  4. The reason many of us don’t hear God’s whispers is we’re always in a hurry.
  5. Stop. Clear your mind. (Turn on music if that helps.) Get comfortable. Try to relax.
  6. If you have trouble clearing your mind, take a pad to jot down ideas that flood your mind.

3. Write. (Habakkuk 2:2)

  1. Record the ideas you receive. Write down what you hear. Don’t debate whether it is God.
  2. Habakkuk 2:2 (NLT)—Then the Lord said to me, “Write My answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.”
  3. God’s response to Habakkuk [He would send the Chaldeans (Babylonians) to punish Judah] would not be fulfilled until the future, so the prophecy needed to be clearly recorded and distributed, to encourage the nation when the time of judgment began.
  4. Record what we ask and God’s response in a notebook. (Advisory Team, India Project)
  5. If your prayer is answered in the future or progressively over time, add that information.

4. Worship. (Habakkuk 3:2)

  1. Thank God for speaking to you. Praise the character traits you see in Him.
  2. Habakkuk 3:2 (TLB)—O Lord, now I have heard your report, and I worship you in awe…
  3. Although Habakkuk did like God’s response [judgment] or fully understand it, he relied on the wisdom and justice of God to bring about the proper resolution, so he worshiped.
  4. Habakkuk 3:19 (NLT)—The Sovereign Lord is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights.
  5. If we spend time with God in prayer, we will come to know His character, and we will be compelled worship and praise Him—and we will learn to trust Him with our lives!

Have you ever heard God speak? What did He say? What resulted? 

  • Send responses to by midnight tonight.
  • Cards available at the Information Desk for manual responses.
  • I would like to publish responses with only initials.
  • Contact Lora at [email protected] if you want yours removed. Give a bit of description.
  • Memory verse: Psalm 5:3 (NLT)—Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to You and wait expectantly.

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